Prasat Banteay

Pigment Fine Art Print

Edition of 10

Print Size: 20 X 28 inch

This is an image of the inner enclosure of Banteay Srei. 

The pediment on Prasat on right shows a scene from the ancient epic Mahabharata that the God of sky Indra causing the rain to put out the fire set up by the God of Fire Agni. This fire was created to kill the snake king Takshaka who lived in the Khandava forest. Two heroes Arjuna and Krishna are helping Agni by creating a shield from the arrows to stop the rain from Indra.

The pediment on Prasat on left shows Lord Siva seated on the mountain Kailash's his home with his consort Parvati. The mountain is presented by titering. Each tier has the people and animals who are very panic. In the middle of the  pediment,  demon king Ravana is shown with ten heads and twenty arms. He is shaking the mountain which Siva is sitting on. Siva uses his toe to press the mountain down and traps Ravana under the mountain more than 1000 years.

The pediment in the central Prasat shows Siva seated next to Parvati who is not his wife yet at this moment. Kamadeva is shooting his love arrow to Siva to make him fall in love with Parvati. Siva gets angry because of that action so that he gazes at Kama by his third eye and burn him into ash. The mountain in this pediment is shown to break into pieces.

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