Churches Of Goa


Pigment Fine Art Print

Edition of 10

Print Size: 20 X 28 inch

Paper Size: 24 X 31 inch

Main Altar dedicated to Saviour of the World, Salvador do Mundo, c1565



Pigment Fine Art Print

Edition of 10

Print Size: 20 X 28 inch

Paper Size: 24 X 31 inch

Gilded wall in Chapel of Blessed Sacrament, Sé Catedral


The Wise Men

Pigment Fine Art Print

Edition of 10

Print Size: 20 X 28 inch

Paper Size: 24 X 31 inch

Wise Men visit Jesus. Church of Reis Magos (The Royal Church, 1555 AD)


Holy Cross

Pigment Fine Art Print

Edition of 10

Print Size: 20 X 28 inch

Paper Size: 24 X 31 inch

Main Altar, The Holy Cross Church, Verna, c.1612


Pray to Heal

Pigment Fine Art Print

Edition of 10

Print Size: 20 X 28 inch

Paper Size: 24 X 31 inch

Pray for faith, hope and love.

Painting in Side Altar of Our Lady of Three Necessities, Sé Catedral
